We Are Family

Beauty in diversity!

Week Four: Winnie’s Castle – Ibadan What a pleasure it was to end my first orphanage volunteering experience at this wonderful home. My first day I was a little taken aback and somewhat disappointed that they didn’t have as many children as I’d thought. However, by the end of my stay, I actually think it […]

The Orphanages, Nigeria

Week Two: Grace Orphanage Home -Ondo The Children: They were absolutely amazing! As soon as I arrived they were eager to introduce themselves, to the lady with the funny accent. Letting me know their names, ages and who was a twin or triplet. This orphanage had about four sets of twins, 3 of which were […]


Citypass Light Rail in Jerusalem. Two suitcases standing on railway station against city train

Getting started… 1. I’m so excited! With the first GoFundMe donation I went to buy TWO suitcases. They are flat now… But not for long. The children are in for some treats. Merci Afirika xX Children love interactive reading. 2. Packing stage 1…Children will love these wonderful story books and goodies; The Gruffalo, Disney Princesses, […]

Weeks One & Two, Nigeria

Sorry for the late update. Lack of internet access and a busy schedule has made it difficult to frequently update you on progress. Nevertheless, I’ve been keeping a journal and now that I have internet and light, my aim is to post as much of it as possible. In order to thoroughly enjoy the details […]

So Many New Born Babies

Week Three: Kwara State (Ilorin) Children Reception Centre This place really made me feel emotional. From my first preview visit I knew exactly the areas they needed help. The orphanage has several new born babies, 2 children with additional needs (Autism and delayed mental development), a young person with listening and speech impairment, plus the […]

It’s Just Emotions

Unrecognizable woman hand helping man to stand up

Thankful for the family, friends and kind hearted individuals who are contributing to making this dream a reality. Although I’m excited about this adventure, I feel like I don’t really know what God is sending me out there to do besides just taking myself to the children. This makes me nervous. When it comes to […]