It’s Just Emotions

Thankful for the family, friends and kind hearted individuals who are contributing to making this dream a reality. Although I’m excited about this adventure, I feel like I don’t really know what God is sending me out there to do besides just taking myself to the children. This makes me nervous.

When it comes to things like this, most people plan way in advance, you have prior knowledge of where you’re going, why you’re going, names, numbers, statistics, allergies and birth marks of those you’re sent to help. But I don’t. At this moment I feel like Abraham in the Bible whom God just told to get up and go.

I am anxious as to whether I’m taking enough or too much. What exactly should I do with these children and young people? In what way am I to help them or the orphanages themselves? I don’t know. Just don’t know. But I’m going because I was reminded that this trip is evidence of me stepping out on faith. So with that in mind I will still my fears and anxieties, those from myself and those from external sources. I will still the worries and just trust God, with whom all my needs are met and this trip is successful in Him. #Lovemewithprayer

Please don’t stop giving, as your donations will be continually needed all through this amazing journey. Thank you in advance.

Donations & Sponsorships

We depend on your donations to help our orphanages and teams on ground in Nigeria. We would go a lot further with your donations and sponsorships on our projects.

Volunteering Opportunities

ThiSeason sends professional helps among other resources to our orphanages in Nigeria every year. We’re in need of your expertise, please get in touch to find out more.