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We are committed to bringing hope to orphaned children across Nigeria. With resources and funding from your partners, donors and volunteer, we will continue to educate, feed, clothe children and support mothers. Follow our news and blog to learn more about what we do.

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Unrecognizable woman hand helping man to stand up

It’s Just Emotions

Thankful for the family, friends and kind hearted individuals who are contributing to making this dream a reality. Although I’m excited about this

So Many New Born Babies

Week Three: Kwara State (Ilorin) Children Reception Centre This place really made me feel emotional. From my first preview visit I knew exactly

Weeks One & Two, Nigeria

Sorry for the late update. Lack of internet access and a busy schedule has made it difficult to frequently update you on progress.

Beauty in diversity!

We Are Family

Week Four: Winnie’s Castle – Ibadan What a pleasure it was to end my first orphanage volunteering experience at this wonderful home. My first day

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Beauty in diversity!

We Are Family

Week Four: Winnie’s Castle – Ibadan What a pleasure it was to end my first orphanage volunteering experience at this wonderful home. My first day

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Unrecognizable woman hand helping man to stand up

It’s Just Emotions

Thankful for the family, friends and kind hearted individuals who are contributing to making this dream a reality. Although I’m excited about this adventure, I

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